Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 2... Asakusa!

Our second day we went over to Asakusa, a cool little area where Dan and Amber are staying. There is a really large temple there, and we happened to go on a day that had a huge festival, where each neighborhood dressed in their kimonos (basically like jerseys) and carried around huge shrines and chanted. It was super fun. We also found some great little shops.

After a fairly long day of walking, we headed back to Syacho's house, where a lot of his and Kenji's friends were hanging out, and we had a little mini-party. We tried to stay up as late as possible to get on the right time, but we can only make it to about midnight before totally bombing. Still, it was super fun to meet a lot of people and try to have conversations in Japanesglish.

1 comment:

  1. SO FUN! I love that pic- that dude's kimono looks super short. Reminds me of all the undergrads in short skirts.

    Thanks for the updates! eat lots of good food!
